Face Essence Reading

Face Essence Reading


Please follow the instructions below thoroughly after payment is completed in order for me to complete your Style Guide in a timely manner:

  1. After you have completed your purchase you will see an order number - please email me at melyssamochi@gmail.com with the Subject as “Order #XXXXX: Essence Reading” so that your email is easy to search

  2. In the email, please send me 3 photos of your face with no makeup on & in natural lighting -
    1 looking straight at the camera with a relaxed neutral face expression, 1 looking straight at the camera with your natural smile, 1 side profile

  3. (Optional) In the email you may also include any other information you believe that can be helpful in your Style Guide such as style preferences, your personal style muses, your lifestyle, etc.

  • I will email you when to expect your Style Guide; please keep in mind that I work on these on a first come first serve basis so this date is subject to change

  • You must be 18 years or older in order to partake in this service - it is often recommended to be older than 20 years old to have an accurate analysis since you may still be growing into your features

The Style Guide: Face Essence Reading includes:

  • A detailed analysis of my thoughts on what your 3 Face Essences are and which are more prominent whereas some may be more underlying

  • 1 Mood Board inspired by your analysis
    Your style guide will be emailed to the email provided in the form you sign at checkout

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Astrology Style Reading
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Astrology Style Reading
